What does the fox say? art by @thomasmullertv

Grandes poetas del Paraguay art by @thomasmullertv

Libre interpretation para your mind art by @thomasmullertv

The Origami Game by @thomasmullertv

Pillars of Creation art by @thomasmullertv

A simple day in Asuncion photo by @thomasmullertv

Darth Vader art @thomasmullertv

Stormstopper art by @thomasmullertv

This is for you interpretation art by @thomasmullertv

The church of Areguá art by @thomasmullertv

Catikat art by @thomasmullertv

Heart Nebula art by @thomasmullertv

Wolf Wood art by @thomasmullertv

Nostalgia art by @thomasmullertv

The power of universe art by @thomasmullertv


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Este artículo es exclusiva responsabilidad del equipo periodístico de Moosh, Inc. Cualquier parecido con la realidad es pura y mera coincidencia. Algunos nombres han sido cambiados por motivos de derechos de autor.
